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Good Ride Songs
September 26, 2005

Good Ride

GOOD RIDE A I had been injured burned, seared, broken, to no end By one who, with a veil for a smile, called himself my friend So, having accepted the blows of his vain words with no visible effects I began to weave my plan for revenge and his eminent…
A Little Bit Songs
September 26, 2005

A Little Bit

A Little Bit From the 2004 creative journal - 9/23/04 Words and Music by John Compton You give a little bit and I'll give a little bit and in the end, you'll see that when you give a little bit you are going to get all of me You smile…
All the Way Songs
September 26, 2005

All the Way

All the Way Words and Music by John Compton so many come, so many go how we found each other I'll never know I'll always looking for ways to show just how much I love you so. We're always nose to nose smile to smile arm in arm not always…
As the Guitar Plays Songs
September 26, 2005

As the Guitar Plays

As the Guitar Plays Words and Music by John Compton 01.03.06 C G7 Another lonely Tuesday night, out on the coast G7 C with the heavy hitters, and the roll-out no-shows C B/Am Am The mad rambling poets, with nothing to lose F G# C and nothing in the air,…
Balthazar Baraccus Songs
September 26, 2005

Balthazar Baraccus

Balthazar Baraccus From the 2005 Creative Journal Words and Music by John Compton the clock's hands were stuck at a quarter to nine because I have been there for hours, watching the line of carnival bodies, speaking in rhyme and remembering the place - only empty behind the shadows of…
El Salvador Songs
September 26, 2005

El Salvador

El Salvador Words and Music by John Compton Em - Bm - Am - E - A - G - Em Landing in El Salvador, we've been up for days touching down I feel the heat in a crazy airport maze Driver finally come, a/c with the way-back sounds never…
Everyday Jitters Songs
September 26, 2005

Everyday Jitters

everyday jitters words and music by John Compton (April 17th, 2006) (very beatles - quick up tempo with a lady madonna feel) G uh-oh, ten o'clock got to make this work stop i'm gettin outta here time to hit the coffee shop D i hope that my girl i hope…
Do Like I Do Songs
September 26, 2005

Do Like I Do

Do Like I Do Words and Music by John Compton (Steve Miller / Something to Believe In) V1 Waking up, every morning each day this big world just keeps on turning I try, just to give it my best And watch the day turn to night from my lonely desk…
Lost In the Game Songs
September 26, 2005

Lost In the Game

Lost In the Game 9.28.05 G step forward those who profess, wrong from right and at the stroke of midnight, determine black from white reveal yourselves, and shoulder the plight for the questions are pointed - and aimed and if you know the answers, then let them be named for…
Love Take #112 Songs
September 26, 2005

Love Take #112

Love Take #112 9.26.05 hurt love, healing, good love & bad quick love, warm love all the love you ever had intense love, lingering secret love, known joyful love, stinging or a little love that has grown fast love, strolling hidden love, shown old love, young love, love is never…
Nobody Wants Me Songs
September 26, 2005

Nobody Wants Me

Nobody Wants Me Pre-2004 Words and Music by John Compton nobody wants me to need you cause you don't need me to want you so we're all agreed to want not to need the way I want you They'd all love me not to kiss you cause they all kiss…
Old Man Compton Songs
September 26, 2005

Old Man Compton

Old Man Compton Words and Music by John Compton Far down the drive, around the lake past the locked gates, atop the old estate its there he waits a young man, now old his virtuous and bold heart turned cold why? no one knows was it a sickness? there has…
Sherman Bridge Songs
September 26, 2005

Sherman Bridge

Sherman Bridge
Words and Music by John Compton She’s breeze in the pines, strawberry wine Selling apple pie with a hand-painted sign A penny a thrill and I got a dime Ain’t good looking but she’s sweet and she’s kind Nose-dive in my 4-wheel drive Hit the water straight if you…
Strange Song Songs
September 26, 2005

Strange Song

Strange Song - Revelations of the Night Words and Music by John Compton Crazy drunken drums, in the black of the night rings of smoke curling long, echo in the light one more bottle to go, then off to the store there's no forgiveness in the streets, so there's none…
Black Songs
September 26, 2005


Black Words and Music by John Compton Black fire pierces the night a black bird calls out of sight black cloth wrapped over my eyes stumbling through the black forest cries black silk is where the stars are hung as deep and ancient as the black bell rung deep under…
Brown Eyed Emily Songs
September 26, 2005

Brown Eyed Emily

Brown Eyed Emily By John Compton Singing in the canyon To the moon and the trees Singing to the fire That’s the life for me But for all the happy times Out wandering free I never forgot my one sweet girl Brown eyed Emily So one day I rambled home…
Cascade Songs
September 26, 2005


Cascade From the 2004 Creative Journal 11/25/04 Words and Music by John Compton there 'neath the silvery shade my mind wonders the parade of every road yet to be made tumbling softly - my cascade but to the eyes a sweet serenade where cool rhythm and blues is played a…
Connected Songs
September 26, 2005


Connected Words and Music by John Compton Verse - G - F#m - Em - C Chorus G - Bm - Em - C Oh, from the first time on the one I knew, I really knew we had a connection and you laughed your wonderful laugh and the time…
Too Big Songs
September 26, 2005

Too Big

Too Big Words and Music by John Compton (To the tune of Breaking Down by the Rolling Stones) I'm too big Yes, too big to ever stop Yes, I'm way too big too big to turn around Woa I'm too big Way, way too big for you now Well I'm…
the treasure chest Songs
September 26, 2005

the treasure chest

the treasure chest Del Sol Days Words and Music by John Compton one golden-white star shinning from the bottom of the sunken chest the one who caught the sun begging us to invest illuminates the water illuminates the sky reflects and shines farther than can be measured by the eye…

You Found It!

If the wind will not serve, take to the oars.
o. (619) 365-5841