The Foot that took the world by storm.

Although SoccerCitySD is now in the past, the legend of Footy McFooty Face will continue to live on in the heart and minds of San Diegans – and fictional mascot lovers around the world. Pull up a seat and learn about how SoccerCitySD pulled off a viral hit.

S occerCity SD was a proposed redevelopment project for the site of the Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego, California. It aimed to transform the area into a mixed-use development featuring housing, commercial space, parks, and a stadium intended for a Major League Soccer (MLS) team.

The initiative gained attention for its ambitious plans and potential economic impact on the region. One notable aspect of the project was the naming contest held to generate interest in the potential MLS team. This contest famously produced the suggestion “Footy McFooty Face,” which garnered widespread attention and became a symbol of the public’s engagement with the project.

However, despite the initial excitement surrounding SoccerCity SD, the project faced challenges and controversy. There were debates over the use of public land, concerns about traffic congestion, and competing proposals for the Qualcomm Stadium site. Ultimately, the SoccerCity initiative did not come to fruition as originally envisioned.

Instead, the San Diego City Council approved a different plan for the Qualcomm Stadium site, which involved selling the land to San Diego State University (SDSU) for the expansion of its campus and the development of a stadium for its football team.

SoccerCity SD serves as a case study in urban development, public engagement, and the complexities of bringing major projects to fruition in a diverse and dynamic city like San Diego.

“Thanks to John Wolfe Compton's efforts, the client successfully secured many signatures on their campaign. Independent and talented, they brought the client's ideas to life with their creativity. Additionally, their work didn't need many revisions, leading to a fruitful and strong partnership.”

Andy AltmanDigital Marketing Lead, Soccer Coaching Company


Challenge: An outstanding , high-tech, high-touch service with poor branding.
Solution: A complete and total rebrand + website & marketing materials.

Branding & Identity

  • Complete Logo Package
  • Typography & Font Styles
  • Colors
  • Photography
  • Letterhead


  • Business Cards
  • 50 Page Sales Deck
  • 50 Page Investor Deck
  • Sumo Deluxe Brochure
  • Client Forms
  • Social Media

Website Build

  • WordPress Install
  • Salient Theme
  • Responsive / Desktop & Mobile
  • Anti-Virus & Spam Protection
  • Total Customization

Website Host

  • Domain Registration & Management
  • Web Host Setup
  • Pro Site Hosting Package
  • Daily Backups
  • Uptime & Speed Monitor
  • Daily Safe Updates
John Wolfe Compton | SoccerCity SD Website