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I n the realms of artificial intelligence, seed numbers are akin to a spark of creativity, a starting point from which the magic of image generation begins. These numerical values are more than just mere digits; they are the keys to consistency and variability in the images AI conjures. As we delve into the world of AI image creation, understanding the role of seed numbers is crucial. They dictate the degree of randomness and, consequently, the final look of the generated images. Let’s unravel the significance of seed numbers and how they act as the bedrock of AI’s imaginative prowess.


From Midjourney:

The Midjourney bot uses a seed number to create a field of visual noise, like television static, as a starting point to generate the initial image grids. Seed numbers are generated randomly for each image but can be specified with the –seed parameter. If you use the same seed number and prompt, you will get similar final images.

IMPORTANT: How to Find an Image Seed Number in Midjourney

Add Envelope Emoji: In the top right hand corner, click on the smiley face to open the emoji reaction menu. Search for ‘envelope’ and click on the envelope icon.

Copy Seed Number: The next post will reveal the job ID and the seed number. Copy the seed  number to use in for the next series of images (or use it forever!).

Seed Numbers: The Genesis of Randomness

Seed numbers are the initial values fed into algorithms to generate random numbers, which in turn influence the various aspects of image generation. Whether it’s the texture of a fabric, the hue of a sky, or the expression on a character’s face, seed numbers are the silent puppeteers pulling the strings.

  1. Randomness and Uniqueness:

    • Every image generated by AI is a unique blend of pixels, colors, and shapes. The seed number ensures this uniqueness by initiating a different sequence of random numbers each time, leading to a diverse array of images even from the same base model or prompt.
  2. Consistency Across Iterations:

    • While randomness is desirable, there are instances where consistency across multiple iterations is required. By using the same seed number, AI can generate images that, while distinct, share a common theme or aesthetic, much like variations on a theme in a piece of music.

Influence on Aesthetics:

  1. Color and Texture:

    • The randomness dictated by seed numbers significantly impacts the color palette and texture in the generated images. For instance, a different seed number could lead to a shift in color tone from warm to cool or a change in texture from rough to smooth.
  2. Composition and Layout:

    • The placement of elements within an image, the composition, is heavily influenced by seed numbers. They can dictate the arrangement and orientation of objects, creating a myriad of compositions from a single prompt.

Film Aesthetics and Seed Numbers:

  1. Emulating Film Grain:

    • The graininess in traditional film photography can be emulated in AI-generated images, with seed numbers influencing the pattern and intensity of the grain, thus capturing the essence of different film stocks.
  2. Lighting and Shadows:

    • The play of light and shadow is crucial in photography. Seed numbers can influence how AI interprets and renders lighting, creating dramatic or subtle effects reminiscent of different film aesthetics.

Controlled Creativity:

  1. Tailoring the Imagery:

    • By manipulating seed numbers, artists and creators have a tool to tailor the randomness in AI-generated imagery. This level of control allows for a fine-tuning process, enabling the creation of images that resonate with the desired narrative or aesthetic.
  2. Exploratory and Iterative Design:

    • The use of seed numbers facilitates an exploratory approach to design. Creators can iterate, experiment, and discover new visuals by merely tweaking the seed number, making the process of image generation a dynamic and interactive experience.

T he seed number, a simple value at its core, unravels a universe of visual possibilities within the domain of AI image generation. It’s a testament to the intricacies and the delicate balance of control and randomness that underpin the creative potential of AI, opening doors to uncharted territories of imagination and visual storytelling.

ALSO IMPORTANT: How to Use Image + Character Reference + Seed to Create Consistent Characters in Midjourney

Midjourney Character Reference: You can use images as character references in your prompt to create images of the same character in different situations.

Image 1

  1. Upload / Create and image in Midjourney and copy the image URL
  2. Original Prompt: a man in his mid-forties with salt and pepper hair. He stands against a white background. He is visible from head to toe. He is wearing a black and blue hawiian shirt, jeans and nike shoes. his hands are at his sides. He is staring at the camera blankly. He has short, wavy hair.

Image 1 + New Description + Character Reference

  1. Describe a new scene and include –cref IMAGE URL HERE –cw100 (most consistent)
    • Something like, “a man drinks a white cocktail with a tiny pink umbrella. –cref IMAGE URL HERE –cw 100″
    • –cw stands for “Character Weight” and is a scale from 1 – 100. 1 = more creative | 100 = more consistent
  2. New Prompt: a man drinks a white cocktail with a tiny pink umbrella. he’s sitting at a hawiian bar on the beach looking at the waves and smiling. daytime and sunny and clear. cinematic, 35mm film. light leak. photorealistic. high gloss magazine. –cref –cw 100 –ar 1:1 –s 750 –v 6.0

Image 1 + New Description + Character Reference + Seed #

  1. New Prompt: a man drinks a white cocktail with a tiny pink umbrella. he’s sitting at a hawiian bar on the beach looking at the waves and smiling. daytime and sunny and clear. cinematic, 35mm film. light leak. photorealistic. high gloss magazine. –cref –cw 100 –ar 1:1 –seed 2714964843 –s 750 –v 6.0

You Found It!

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