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13 Hours (2016)

Michael Bay

Third world meanies, are menacing the streets,
Where the good guys, are just trying to do their part,
Make it through the day, get some pay,
With the occasional manly, heart-to-heart
Suddenly the ambassador’s compound is raided,
And only a few make it out alive,
The fight is then taken to the secret CIA base
Where our heroes fight to keep the egg-heads alive.
Ridiculous bravado and patriotic banter,
Buttresse video game-level violence,
But taken with a satirical slant,
You might actually be able to enjoy this.
Visually stunning and generally “ok” acted,
13 Hours does entertain
Just engage your inner 13 year old
and remember to turn off your brain.

You Found It!

If the wind will not serve, take to the oars.
o. (619) 365-5841