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Casablancas: The Man Who Loved Women (2016)

Hubert Woroniecki

John Casablancas, I didn’t know who he was,
But now I feel, I know a tiny bit,
Models and sex – he was an insatiable playboy,
Who seemed to love his life’s every minute
This movie pulses with interest, with Casablancas
Fondly remembering his remarkable life.
Filled with gorgeous women, power and money,
Made real with Casablancas’ personal insight.
Dig deeper and you might see,
a lifetime of longing and misery,
Dissatisfaction and an appeal for meaning.
In this whitewashed world of fashion and industry.
Sometimes a person who has everything, has nothing
And struggles to define their life with vice,
Here proud confessions sometimes appear as hubris
And prove that nothing comes without a price.

You Found It!

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